I have thought about this quite a bit lately.
I will be 40 in two months.
For those of you who are not there yet, do not worry, I am actually looking forward to it.
At least that is what I can say now. Talk to me in two months!
For those of you who have already been there, I hope it has been a wild ride.
The best part of getting older, I am beginning to realize, is knowing better what you do not know.
I do not know what is like for other people in their situations, so I try, not always with success, but I try, to judge less.
And now, maybe, I am trying to judge myself less.
I have always downplayed my strengths.
Some of that comes from humility.
But much of it comes from a need to justify myself.
So, now moving into 2011, I will try not to judge myself or others so much.
I will try to be more true to myself and enjoy the journey of figuring out who that is.
I like my house to be pretty because I like my house to be pretty.
I am not trying to be Martha Stewart.
I am trying to be me, Laura.
I guess in the process of working on finding home, I am trying to find me.
Actually, I had to work hard to even find a picture of myself that was just of me. I am always the one behind the camera.
I have been struggling with the idea of whether or not to keep this blog just about design and projects, or to venture into some aspects of the personal side of things. After viewing MANY new blogs over the last few days, I have come to the realization, that this is personal.
There is no place that this is better demonstrated than in the recent tragedy that befell Edie at Life In Grace. A few days before Christmas, she lost her entire home to a fire. Her family is all safe, including their dog, and they are being fully supported and helped by loved ones and strangers alike.
I just found her blog through another route and never knew of her before this tragedy. Her circumstances have stayed with me these last few days, bringing forth the reality that it can all be gone in a moment.
Edie’s tragedy, I am sure, will provide a new journey for her future. Based on what I have read of her thus far, her faith will guide her through.
We all want our homes to be pretty, but our homes ARE about our family, about us, about how we live our lives. They are personal.
Do not fret, I have no intention of rattling on about senseless notions or talk about a bunch of people who you know nothing about. At least I hope not. I guess I will just attempt, most likely a little at a time, to let more of myself in.
Happy first day of 2011, and to demonstrate something I would say if you were here with me..
Giddy up!!!
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